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Post by Flip »

John Howard, George Bush and Boris Yeltsin all die and go to hell. While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The Devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth.

Yeltsin asks to call Russia and talks for 15 minutes. When he is finished the Devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes a cheque.

Bush calls the US and talks for an hour. When he is finished the Devil informs him that the cost is 4 million dollars, so he writes a cheque.

Finally John Howard gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is finished the Devil informs him that the cost is 25 cents. Howard just smiles.

Bush and Yeltsin go ballistic, and ask the Devil why Howard got to call Australia for only 25 cents?

The devil smiles and replies:

"Since Tony Abbot took over, the whole country has gone to hell. It's a local call”
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Re: Devil

Post by Gimps »


f*** Abbott.
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