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Champion of Essendon
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Joined: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:48 pm


Post by grassy1 »

Having tried watching some clips several months ago and getting blocked,I actually stumbled upon the Classic show recently,catching up with the dodgy shenanigans of one Arfur Daly and his Trusty Minder Terry(Terence McCann),with The Club’s Winchester as a regular waterhole,where Dave dispenses salt of the earth companionship of our two pals.

Not sure I can enjoy it much longer,with all that’s going on,online.And perhaps if I can get my hands on a quasi ABC Store,I’d buy the original series or the first 3 or 4 and just enjoy.

I’ve barely scratched the surface,but the three episodes I’ve watched so far are classics.

Bury My Half at Waltham Green
The Smaller They Are
It’s all about Scoring Innit?

I’ll get into the nitty gritty of it later,but seeing the look on Arfur’s Face,when the small fortune he thought he had,turn out to be “well bent”is just plain gold!Not just once,but twice in the first two episodes. :lol:

And Scotch Harry!Apart from being a 1st class thief,he’s a classic Drunk of the highest order,hopping from one bar to another,drinking each establishment dry and having Dave keep a constant eye out for Harry,having had him barred for 6 months.

Scotch Harry thinks he’s hit the Jackpot,having knocked off a Suitcase full of “Monopoly Money!”,from the Airport,of “that Yankee One,TWA”(T W A you Twit!),but immediately having to hotfoot it like Kenny Dalglish from the owner of the suitcase(A young Mr Brian Ashton)and DC Rycott,a seemingly honest copper,sent down from the manor.

A head start,thanks to big Stan and a free 4 course meal of fried fried chicken,chips and trifle,doesn’t get Harry that far ahead and Big Stan’s action in getting Arthur involved,does them both a huge favour in the end.

Great fun to watch,with poor old Terry driven ‘round the bleeding bend by Arfur,with Dave never too far off to pull Arfur back to a point.Although Arfur’s habit of telling Dave to “put it on the slate,Dave”often drives Dave to distraction.

All that plus a bit more when I see one Inspector Chisholm and his mildly amused partner Jones(y)on a regular basis.

Better do some shoppin’ next Thursday.Mind you,it’s not a bit,well bent! :lol:
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